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24196 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-04-29
Final date2024-04-30
Days in captivity1
SpeciesBDOW - Barred Owl
GI foreign body
Substance on feathers

Cause of injury: Fell From Nest

FFN, Mud in GI

Found in Belleville,IL
St. Clair county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate120.0020.00
Total  170.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images


2024-04-30 16:35 KS

Release record
Band/tag number
Band size
Belleville, St. Clair county, IL

2024-04-30 16:34 KS

Boxed for renesting

2024-04-29 19:40 MP

S: Standing, flared slightly

O: Noted a pile of what appeared to be bits of bug exoskeleton casted up in cage. Dropped 90 g of rabbit and rat.

A: BAR. Casted up that unusual mass seen on xrays. Can be renested

P: Set up renest tomorrow

2024-04-29 12:12 KK
Weight: 545.0 grams, BCS: 3.0
S: Standing, clacking in transport box.

O: Intake exam and radiographs.
------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Mentation: BAR
Temp (F): 102.1
Dehydration (%): 5
Neurologic: NSF
Head/mouth/beak: NSF
Ears: NSF
Eyes: Baby cataracts resolving normally
Wings: Distal R metacarpus a bit sensitive on palpation
Legs: NSF
Feet: NSF
Body: Cast in abdomen
Feather condition: In blood. Primaries ~70% grown.
Ectoparasites: None seen
Other: Wet
Radiographic findings: Possible partial, greenstick fx to distal R metacarpus. GI looks like it may be full of mud
Initial treatment: Placed in cage in CC room

A: Possible partial, greenstick fx to distal R metacarpus but could just be slight shadow on rads. Area is more tender to palpation but there is no bruising or extra flex at the site. Cast looks like may be mud instead of fur/bones. Bird seen in garden area by hostas, possibly eating mud/worms or something? Prognosis good

P: Hold for 24 hours to make sure can cast/pass the material in the GI then reunite with parents as long as still seems ok. SF in PM. If not reuniting, collect blood and fecal.

Date2024-04-29 12:12:00
Temp102.1 F

Version 3.1.2 - 3.18.20 Sat May 18 01:12:06 2024